Bloggedy Blog


LeafBlower For Sale!!!

1 Leaf Blower for Sale!!
Really Cheap.


Tickets!!! Get your tickets here!!!

So this post is directed at Schmunk, Clawmonkey and Zibby(who I will have to tell in person cause he doesn't come on here anymore).
Today I may have found a line on tickets to the Dec.17 Flames game for $50-$60 each.
I should find out about them some next week and will let you know how it goes.
Till then....
Keep your stick on the ice!!


Video added

As you can probably tell, once the page gets loaded up, I have added code to play a video on my blog.
Thanks to for the actual work.
I made a couple of changes to the code so that it fit better in the sidebar. I changed the width to '250' and the height to '195'. I also deleted the link code for HotCodez page at the end of the script. Think I will try and change the vid on a weekly basis but we will see how that goes.
Sit back and enjoy the vid.


Breaking News

Fire Destroys Bush Presidential Library
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A tragic fire on Monday destroyed the personal library of President George W. Bush. Both of his books have been lost.
Presidential spokesman Ari Fleischer said the president was devastated, as he had not finished coloring the second one.


Damn the spam!!!

So what the hell is up with all the spam that Blogs are receiving lately?!?!? If I had wanted to hear about this shite, I would have Googled it, not waited for it to appear on my blog!!!

To all of you out there who decide that you can leave unwanted stuff on here, I say this to you....


To the rest, Thanks for reading Bloggedy Blog.



So here I am sitting at work trying to look busy so I thoguht that I would surf the net that way at least it looks like I'm working with something on my comp.
For the hell of it I went to a dictionary site in put in Jingo, this is what i got.
Umm, yeah, I guess its time for me to move to the States.


Mr Jackson you are my hero!!!

Ok Ok, I know that I post a lot of stuff about Halo on here but this is one thing that I couldn't help but put on here.
Peter Jackson is going to be the Executive Producer for the upcoming Halo movie!!!!
How cool is that!!! This is going to be one of the better movies in the coming years and I for one can not wait to see what Jackson is going to do with this movie.
Read more here.
