Farewell to Alberta
Well the time has come. After 8.5 years in the land of beef I have decided that it is time to move on. I will be moving back to NS around the middle of August, driving across this great land of ours with all my possessions in tow, literally. I will be renting a trailer or if I come across one at a good price then I will buy it. The reason I say buy is because this is just a temporary move. I plan to make the trip back in approximately two years. Taking a page from the book of Schmunk, I am going to be going back to school. I am looking at going to NSCC and taking a 1 year welding certificate then coming back out to the richest province in Canada to reap the benefits of all that oil money.
This decision is not one that I have made on the spur of the moment but have had many sleepless nights thinking about it. I want to do something that has some substance to it and come out of it with something that I can use to make a living. The last 8 years here have been some of the best of my life and I will miss AB but as the saying goes, there is no place like home.
With my divorce paperwork slowly coming to an end I have come to realize that over the last 6 years with the ex that, while not all necessarily bad, I have changed and some of the things that have changed I do not like. It's time to go home and regain that parts that were lost and to shed some of the things that were gained. I look forward to seeing all the friends that are back home.
When I get home I will be purchasing a house with my brother Jon. A 3 bedroom house with 3.5 acres of land. It is right next door to my old home in Gilbert's Cove and will be a good addition to the Trask estate. At some point in the future, we will consider buying the house on the other side of my old home if and when it comes up for sale. With this, Jon and I will own about 12-15 acres of waterfront property with 3 houses to call our own. Now that sounds like a good situation to be in. I will miss everyone here in AB but as I said, I will be back and what fun we will have when I land back in the land of beef.
A new vid graces the blog, Tenacious D. For those of you who haven't picked this CD up or found the songs on the net, take my advice and get it/them. While not the best CD to be had it provides some good humor and shows just how talented Jack Black is. Enjoy the vid and until then
***** BOMBSHELL *****
Wow! that's news! So are you already enrolled at NSCC? Which Campus? If the anwser to the above is ...No you should really check out COGS. The employment rate for surveyers in Calgary is Staggering.
Dude... Whale watching...Briar Island...Labour Day... Flaven!
Anyway good to have you back, Geez your home coming should almost completly coincide with Renfrew's.
schmunky, at 05:05
Renfrew??? Interesting. Is he moving back to NS with hag in tow or just coming back for vacation?
Doesn't matter. It will be good to get back and see everyone. Thanks for the info Schmunk about COGS. Looking at the Yarmouth campus and possibly taking a 1 year welding certificate or maybe even the 2 year diploma. What I am goingto take is still up in the air but I will be taking something.
Jingo, at 13:34
Oh , Renfrew is moving back with all the litte 'frews and the shrew too! ( how that for alliteration!)
Accordind to Friar Donk he is taking up residence in Enfield.
Here's more info on COGS...
Seriously, the employment rate is awesome, but the Failure rate / Drop-out rate is really high ( over 50%). However Welding is hard on the body, Surveying, Carto,GIS, hard on mind.
We are in our cottage until the end of August. It looks like we are buying a house in Hantsport ( just outside Windsor). We should know if the deal goes through by the end of the week. look us up. I will e-mail you my cell# as with me working in Dartmouth and Amy in Windsor it's nearly impossible to get hold of us at home.
Holy Geez Zib, with the monkey in Hussar and Jingo homeward bound what the hell are you gonna do?
schmunky, at 05:00
True enogh about the welding course. I looked at the cogs site and it looks interesting. Thanks for the info. Good luck on the house and i will be talking to you guys soon.
Jingo, at 10:44
Jingo, the other great aspect about nscc ( including cogs) is that if you are eligble for U.I., then you are eligible for Re-Education sponsorship through HRDC.
They Paid my tuition, part of my rent, and even a little travel money, in lieu of paying me U.I. I will get you more details if you want, and I also have a contact (my old sponsor) at HRDC.
Take advantage of it, in Dartmouth in 2004 I was the only person who applied for it.
schmunky, at 05:01
Cool I was goingto ask you about that when I got back there but if you can email the info on that it would be awesome. Gov't paying for my schooling, where do I sign up!!!!
Jingo, at 10:40
Only Tom, Neeb and Brad left of the original crew.
I guess, as the only true blood Albertan of the Clan. I should thank you for your stay in Alberta and you're welcome back anytime. I'm glad you're leaving better off then when you came. Although you had to sacrifice some of your life.
Now I'm REALLY gonna have to make a trip out to NS in 2007.
Dr.Clawmonkey, at 18:33
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