Happy New Year!!!
Last year, 2005 that is, just before Christmas my friend Schmunk and his wife came to town for a couple of days. It was good to see them both again as it had been a while since we had seen each other. I haven't any pics of Mrs. Schmunk but here is some pics from when we were over at Singers house. Singer will probably kill me for putting these on here but ehhh.... What are you going to do.
Here is everyone form left to right: Scmunk, Tanya, Singer and Clawmonkey.
They are getting ready to hoe into some sea bugs from the Atlantic coast.
Here is someone that I didn't expect to see for a very long time if ever, presenting Renfrew. Its too bad I missed his trip down the stairs. Oiii are those love handles I see around my waist. Nahhh.

This is one of those shots that you have to get in quick cause the Mangler is camera shy. Don't worry big guy the camera only adds 10 lbs. Hahahaha!!!! Talk about love handles!

I think I'll call this one, "You'll never guess who I ran into in Cowtown!!"
Well there are some pics or all you folks to enjoy. Schmunk I will be sending all of them to you via email right after this along with a little movie I shot with Renfrew taking center stage. Ahh good times.
On another note, the new job is going great and I am applying for a different position already. More pay and more responsibilities. No longer will I be referred to as the 'Mat Bitch' as that is what I seem to do when I go out on route with any one.
Happy New Year everyone and take care.
good times man. Good times!
Dr.Clawmonkey, at 21:37
Yes dem was GOOODE Sea Bugs,
Thanks for the pics Jingo.
I too wish I had seen Ren of Frew fall down the stairs, man, that would have brought back way too many memories of Young Street.
Thanks to everyone who made our trip out there great! Zibb, Clawmonkey, Beth, Jingo, Tanya, Neeb, THE MANGLER, and even ole Ren. Twas a Goode Time but it won't be the last time!
schmunky, at 06:28
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