Tar and Feathers???????
Ahh here I find myself in front of the keyboard to bring to you all the news that is Jingo.
Lets see my brother has recently come out for an open ended vacation in the Land of Beef. Having landed the on the ta Thursday before may long weekend and then headin down to Waterton with us for a great time. See the pics below.

This is just a small sample of the stuff that happens at Camp Spoot.
This just in.........
Xbox 360 Kicks some serious Ass!!!!
Thats right I bought one of these bad ass piece of Microsoft machinery and so far it has been a good purchase. So far I have 2 games for it - Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and Battlefield 2 : Modern Combat. Both games are excellent in my opinion and should be a purchase for anyone buying a 360.
On the radio today there was a small comedy bit on CJ92 about Bush trying to talk some spanish during a speech he was giving at some thing or another. Well it sounded probably like I would trying to get around the heart of Montreal with only my broken and partially forgotten high school french. I can see me asking someone for directions talking like this only to be chased out of town followed by a crowd with pots of boiling tar and several bags of goose feathers. The people of the free world should band together and do something very similar to W. only also involving some pliers, bamboo chutes and large bottles of peroxide just so he can feel the sting.
On another note, if you happen to find yourself in a music store in the near future I suggest that you pick up Tenacious D. Jack Black is one crazy mofo and has some talent to boot. Pick up this CD and laugh your ass off when you listen to it.
Till Bush drops trou, bends over and shoves his head up his ass...
Bush doesn't have any room up his arse for his head, as Karl Roves hand has been up there for years.
schmunky, at 07:00
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