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Is it me or is Dubya to happy?

Ok OK so call me a conspiracy nut or just someone who thinks that the US government would stop at nothing to keep their 'War on Terror' going. The recent bombings in London are a tragic and unfortunate event and my heart goes out to the families who have lost members on that day. However, isn't it just a little convenient that Bush's side agenda of pushing his war at the G8 summit also coincided with a bombing in the host country??? When Dubya came to the podium after the explosions he almost was doing a jig. His swagger up to the mike was one very reminiscent to the ones he uses at every other speech in which he is going to extol the virtues of his war on terrorism. Its like every horror that happens gives him little shot of adrenaline and keeps his resolve to push the war on.

"The contrast couldn't be clearer between the intentions and the hearts of those
of us who care deeply about human rights and human liberty, and those who kill
-- those who have got such evil in their heart that they will take the lives of
innocent folks." G.W.Bush

This was said with one of his little half smirks that he puts on when trying to impress the media. Correct me if I'm wrong here but aren't the American forces doing the same thing in the name of peace over in Iraq. Iraq before this war had never experienced a suicide car bombing or no Iraqi claimed to have suicide bombed anywhere. All of this has come about since the 'invasion' of Iraq. Bush and Al-Queda have entered into a global 2-step that is only going to hurt the onlookers with no clear victor going to emerge.

"The war on terror goes on..." G.W.Bush

One would think that when one says this, that they would say it with a look/sense of disappointment or be mournful, but Dubya almost sounded/looked like the fox that ate the chicken. There was a gleam in his eye that said, 'Thank you, you dumb schmucks, y'all made my case that much easier'.

Bush likes to say that these terrorists are trying to take away our rights, freedom and liberties but theses are things that only we can take away ourselves. The 'Patriot Act' is a prime example. I'm just thankful that I live Canada where this hasn't happened...yet.

Ahhh I know that this will be picked apart by some but hey that's what it's here for.



  • Wow a political post without 1 word of "HALO" mentioned. Yeah dubya looked very calm. Probably somewhat satisfied that someone bombed London. That way the world would support his cause, if you can call it that, a little more. Although I am more right wing than most of my friends, if not all. Even I was like, "the British, oh no. Alright now it's time to get serious"
    I'm starting to look at the global incidents a little differently. For example; there's a tropical storm Emily(it might be a hurricane by now) battering Venezuela, I think. My first reaction was, 'we should help them somehow' But when a hurricane hits the US I'm thinking 'sucks to be an American'
    Mostly because the United States have made their global bed and now they must lay in it. Poor U.S.; nope, they get what they deserve.
    Hopefully nothing happens in Canada. If it does, I'll probably jump back onto the Dubya bandwagon.
    "thin their numbers George"

    By Blogger Dr.Clawmonkey, at 12:39  

  • Oh god here comes the lefty...
    Well I can't say that Bush's response to the London bombings made me like/hate him any more. It was par for the course. I'm sure that he thinks that this will help his cause...but I'm not so sure.

    The bombings in London highlight two things that the "thin their numbers" crowd will never admit.
    1. The Iraq war has not been able to keep the terrorists occupied. The Neo con's third reason for war ( after WMD and Iraq-Al-Queada connections were proven untrue) was that as long as we engage the terrorists over there they won't be able to attack here. Bullshit. If anything the Iraq war has been a recruiting dream for the radical Islamic movement. High Civilian casualties, the Abu-Gharib torture photos, the Gitmo Torture allegations, Continued American governmental, military and Industrial dominance of Iraq,and the exclusion of the Shia have all swelled the number of People willing to Die for Islam. Scarier still the Franchise of al-quada continues to of Sept. 11th there was one main Al-queada group...Now there's Al-Queda in Iraq...The Al-quada Europe group, Groups in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan Indonesia, Chechenia and probably North America too.
    Bush and company continue to lop of the hydra's heads while two more replace each fallen foe.

    2. Perhaps instead of harassing and racially profiling muslims a government who truly wishes to prevent a terror attack on it's soil had better engage that community as a partner to be heeded instead of a potential enemy to be controlled. Homeland Security is a placebo, because in each instance of a bombing the bombers were already in the country! Atta and several other Hi-Jackers were in the States for a couple of years before 9/11, Hell the London Bombers were second generation Britons! The moderate Muslim community has already begun to counter the radicals message in Britan and must be allowed to do so. The point of these bombings was not to scare the British into leaving Iraq, or punishing them for being there, but to invoke a violent response toward Muslims thus galvanising Al-Quada's "everyone is against us" message. I for one don't think that the Brits will fall for this like the Yanks did. While in Public Blair says " we won't negociate with terrorists, he knows that that is what worked against the IRA. Blair so far has done an excellent job of supporting the British Muslim community while denouncing the bombers. He is giving them the power to clean up their own yard and re-asserting that the whole of Islam should not be judged by the actions of a very small number of radicals within the community.

    The American Anwser for every problem is to go to war with it, war on drug use, war on poverty, war on terror ( how do you go to war with a verb anyway?) We've had 4 years of this war on terror and as far as I can tell, they are not winning. Blair sees it I think, but he is playing a dangerous game of visably siding with the Americans but actually persuing activities ( like nuclear negociations with Iran) that the American's are not willing to engage. Mabye it's a good cop bad cop thing, but I thing that the British government is willing to look at more than one side of an issue.

    LOL on Clawmonkey...I too was shocked, but pleased to see a post that didn't contain the words "Halo" or "X-Box Live".

    By Blogger schmunky, at 08:19  

  • Well everyone knows the war in Iraq was not a war on terrorism. The Americans love to do business, esspecially with rich oil tycoons. Who's next to Iraq; the Saudi's. I think the Saudi's and Americans would like a monopoly in the oil and gas sector. The Saudi's being the silent partner and the Americans are the guys that'll get the job done. Who's gonna stop them?
    I do think the war on terrorism is doing great things in Afghanistan. Where the problem really began. Thanks goes out to USA for giving the Taliban the training and weapons to fight the Russians. Wouldn't you know, stupid americans, first their your friends now their your enemies. Seems to be a reoccuring theme with the USA.
    I think Al-qaeda already had "franchises" in most of these countries before 9/11. Kinda like their own country. With independent "states" being apart of a whole. The Iraq war has just improved their recruiting.
    I agree 100% the americans answer to everything is WAR.
    Thank god the border is going to be opened very soon. Otherwise we might have a beef war on our hands.

    By Blogger Dr.Clawmonkey, at 17:23  

  • Unfortunatly Monkey, everybody EXCEPT the American electorate, and the American Government knows that the War in Iraq is not really a war on terror. Just look at the connections between Saddam and 9/11, Many Americans are unshaken in their belief that the two are directly connected

    As for the war in Afganistan...I'm not so sure it's going as well as you may think. The Taliban is still active along the packistan border as the recent downing of a American helicopter and the beheadings of six Afghan policemen last week attest. During the Soviet occupation the Mujahadeen used the same strategy, hide in Pakistan and occasionally crawl out from under a rock to cause trouble. They lasted ten years with this tatic, and then erupted out to seize power after the Russian withdrawl. The Iraq war is depleting the amount of resources that could be used to help make Afghanistan more secure. Money that was sucked from Afghanistan to go to Iraq includes

    $8.6 billion to rebuild Afghanistan. The government of Afghanistan has said it needs $27.6 billion for reconstruction activities over the next seven years such as rebuilding infrastructure, education, health, and disarmament programs. The country has received to date only $2.9 billion of the $19 billion pledged by the international community. $8.6 billion over the next seven years would make up this shortfall and help Afghanistan from reverting to a haven for terrorists.

    $11 billion to buy Afghanistan's opium crop. Afghanistan's illicit opium drug trade brings in a profit of $2.3 billion each year, much of which goes to fund terrorist activities. A five-year program to buy Afghanistan's opium crop would provide initial and continuing funding for farmers to permanently shift from growing opium to cultivating other crops or starting microenterprises.


    While I don't contest the need for the war in Afghanistan after 9-11, Just as I don't contest the need to go after al-Queada, I don't think it is being handled properly. The continuing tales of abuse of muslim prisoners that keep piling up don't help win hearts and minds either. For a good overview of recent Afhgan info check out

    By Blogger schmunky, at 08:45  

  • I read the other day that Canada is sending more troops to Afghanistan. I believe it was 1,500 troops will be in Afghanistan by February 2006. Except this time we won't be peacekeeping. Were going on the hunt, if you will. Canada has lost 3 soldiers in Afghanistan. Not including the 4 murdered soldiers by an american pilot.

    By Blogger Dr.Clawmonkey, at 15:20  

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