Rainfully Rain
So lately I have been hearing a lot about the weather and how we have been having too much rain!! All I have to say to that is, at least it isn't snow. Can you just imagine that. I think the number is up to something like 109 mm(millimeters for you imperial people) of rain over the past 5 days. 109 mm, that equals oh to be about 11 cm(centimeters for non-metric folk) or about about; lets see carry the 2, divide by the square root of pi........ about 4.3 inches of rain. I mean wow, how do we put up with this kind of weather? I think that we should all just pack our bags and move to the mid-west states where the annual rain fall is more like 10 inches for an entire year. I mean, I this was snow how would people get around. We would all be stuck in our homes, not able to go anywhere, power lines could have fallen, internet could be down and heaven forbid that!!! How would we cope living a mundane existence like that!!! With no way to contact the outside world we would resort to the animals that we evolved from. Total anarchy would rule the earth, dogs and children would be fighting in the streets. North and South Korea would get along and this man would be the greatest thing since sliced bread!!
Anarchy? The strongest would survive. I could live with that. Not that I'm the strongest but I could survive.
I hate to inform you, but,you wouldn't be the greatest. You're too prone to death. A little death pill or some death juice and you're done. Especially, being the greatest. It would be too easy. Everyone would hate you and we'd all stand around laughing as you choke.
Unless, of course, I was head of some government wing. Like military; then we'd kill'em all.
"we'll wrap'em up in a rug and throw them off a bridge. heeheehee"
By Dr.Clawmonkey, at 17:59
Umm Clawmonkey, not that I was calling myself the greatest it was along the the lines of the man in the link being the greatest thing since sliced bread. Zib, no chance I'll need that non death pill/juice sustenance when the anarchy starts.
By Jingo, at 07:22
wow, Roon I hate to expose an error of logic on your post but in one sentence you say " we should move to the midwest states" ( aka jesusland) and then you post a link that slags George W! You would be shot out of a cannon at at NRA fundraiser in the mid-west for such blatant anti-Amerikanism. The average rainall is less than ten inches...Hmmm I wonder if rainfall amounts directly affect the ability to have an independant thought?
By schmunky, at 10:00
Gotcha, didn't check the link. Schmunky's right. You'd be in Guantanamo pretty quick.
Zib, you'd eat your cat or cats..
I'd just be corrupted with absolute power. Like the current governments on North America. Eliminating any evil-doers. lol. I wouldn't resort to a neanderthal like being.
I'd still eat my meat and potatoes. Hopefully their wouldn't be any insurgents posing as cattle.
By Dr.Clawmonkey, at 11:31
I guess what I was trying for there schmunky is a little bit of sarcasm that fell short of the mark. And yes I do beleive that there is a direct corelation between the lack of water and lack of independant thoguht.
By Jingo, at 13:16
Schmunky would get one...If he wasn't stuck on top of bum-fuck mountaian with only a lousy dial up connection. It's frustrating enough trying to check my friggin' g-mail. Perhaps if I start work in the city soon I will be able to stay at my Dad's with his big juicy cable connection. However I do think that I'm going to move " Rockstar Cartographer" from COGS to FriarDonk.org, Dave said I could have 250 MB on his server as compared to 20 on COGS. That would be Bon!
By schmunky, at 08:57
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By schmunky, at 08:57
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