Weird day
So today seemed just like any other day. I woke up wandered blurry eyed to the bathroom. I came out, tripped over the cat; this is normal cause he waits for me right outside the door and then runs into my feet so that I notice him; reached down to pet then went into the bedroom to get dressed. Go downstairs get a glass of juice then get my lunch together. Go back to the bathroom and get ready for work. Feed the cats their breakfast, scratch the back of their necks and rub their bellies. Go downstairs put on my shoes and coat, kiss my wife goodbye and wish her a good day. Drive to work, stop at Starbucks and get my coffee so that I feel human on the drive to the C-train. Get on the C-train and ride it to work staring mindlessly out the window drinking coffee. Usually I read a book on my way but I finished the one I was reading last night.
Get to work so good morning to people on the way to my desk and then sit down and turn on my comp. The morning passes as usual, stack of paper waiting for me to process, work on that, go to get coffee with some people from the office, come back and push some more paper around.
At lunch this girl that I go to coffee with asks if I want to join her and some others for lunch, sure thing. We meet in the lobby and find out that there is a miscommunication about where we are going to eat. Some want Crapdonald's, some want a sausage from the street guy others want Chinese or something. I opt for the sausage cause, well, its Crapdonald's after all. So it ends up being just me and this girl going to the sausage guy. We get lunch then head up to Devonian Gardens* to eat cause it flippin cold out. We eat lunch then decide to walk around Devonian because she hasn't been here in 4 years or something. We walk around looking at the people, the fish, the birds, etc. Then we walk down one of the side paths and look out one of the windows that look out on to the street. This girl turns to me and says quite casually that 'Its too bad that your married cause this would be a good place to make out'.
I'm speechless! I mean what do you say in this situation?!?! Ahh yeah it's uhh to bad huh?
Needless to say I didn't say to much on the way back to work but she acts as if nothing weird just happened. Just talks about her trip home for Easter, work and the other mindless stuff co-workers usually talk about. Meanwhile my mind is still trying to process this information and trying to figure out how I can hang around with her after this.
Anyone out there got any ideas??
* Devonian Gardens for those of you that don't know is a indoor garden on the forth floor of TD Square(mall) here in Calgary
Get to work so good morning to people on the way to my desk and then sit down and turn on my comp. The morning passes as usual, stack of paper waiting for me to process, work on that, go to get coffee with some people from the office, come back and push some more paper around.
At lunch this girl that I go to coffee with asks if I want to join her and some others for lunch, sure thing. We meet in the lobby and find out that there is a miscommunication about where we are going to eat. Some want Crapdonald's, some want a sausage from the street guy others want Chinese or something. I opt for the sausage cause, well, its Crapdonald's after all. So it ends up being just me and this girl going to the sausage guy. We get lunch then head up to Devonian Gardens* to eat cause it flippin cold out. We eat lunch then decide to walk around Devonian because she hasn't been here in 4 years or something. We walk around looking at the people, the fish, the birds, etc. Then we walk down one of the side paths and look out one of the windows that look out on to the street. This girl turns to me and says quite casually that 'Its too bad that your married cause this would be a good place to make out'.
I'm speechless! I mean what do you say in this situation?!?! Ahh yeah it's uhh to bad huh?
Needless to say I didn't say to much on the way back to work but she acts as if nothing weird just happened. Just talks about her trip home for Easter, work and the other mindless stuff co-workers usually talk about. Meanwhile my mind is still trying to process this information and trying to figure out how I can hang around with her after this.
Anyone out there got any ideas??
* Devonian Gardens for those of you that don't know is a indoor garden on the forth floor of TD Square(mall) here in Calgary
I'll just say one thing and one thing only.... I was at your wedding dude ! Resist the temptation, for if you do not there is only the dark side. In this case, the dark side may be young, new, and rather attractive, but that's no excuse. You took a vow and I'd be disappointed in my best friend if I ever found out that you broke this vow. I know temptatin dude, you know that, it sucks but you have to live with it. I don't say this to be mean, I just know how happy you are now. (Well, happy for the most part). If the girl wants some action...SEND HER MY WAY ! LOL...
Anonymous, at 16:44
while i do appreciate you thoughts zibby, i guess i was loooking for more ideas on how to let her know that i am not interested but want to remain here friend.
Jingo, at 07:22
LOL...sorry man, got a bit carried away there. I think you need to be honest and let her know what you are concerned about. Don't keep it inside to fester....ya know ?
Anonymous, at 13:21
no worries man i think it, the more i talk to her the more it seems that she was trying to see how i would react to her comment
Jingo, at 15:36
What are you...Fagola? make out with her dude!...Just kidding of course, My suggestion is just let it slide a person whose sense of humor and opinionated, loudmouth personna is quite documented,I often say things off the cuff that would be deemed inappropriate, that really didn't mean that much to me.Perhaps she made an off the cuff comment that you translated as being more than it was.Perhaps she was testing the waters to see if you would creep out. Regardless, it's all a matter of what you let it become. If you like hanging out with her just let it slide until such a time comes when you HAVE to lay down the Law. Then Do it without much fanfare or emotion ( ie. Uhhh you do know I am married right?)
schmunky, at 07:17
Thanks for the suggestion schmunky;
i had kinda already thought it was something like that. So far nothing else has been brought up concerning this so I am just going to let it slide. If it comes up again then IT'S TIME TO GET BUSY!!!
Just joking, at that point I will remind her again htat I am married.
Jingo, at 11:09
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