Maddening Cow-prit!?!?!?
So light has recently been shed on to a case of mad-cow disease in a bovine that was cleared of the disease before by USDA officials. New tests using the most reliable testing methods have been conducted, the results are here and here.
Let's just hop e that our Canadian government is a s quick to respond with a ban on US beef as they were to ban ours.
And yes, today is a slow day at work!!
Let's just hop e that our Canadian government is a s quick to respond with a ban on US beef as they were to ban ours.
And yes, today is a slow day at work!!
Oh yeah, the US has always had mad cow disease. They've just hid everything. Destroy the cow and all the tests results.
I don't want to get into it right now, the b-ball game's on....
Everybody knows the US government is corrupt to the core. They secretly/un-secretly run the world. Just you watch; soon they'll be all this talk about AI soldiers. Trained to kill the enemy. Sounds like some cheesy Hollywood film.
.....Eventually the people of earth, (with the help of the internet), will band together and remove the evil government from it's grip on planet earth. I know cheesy.
What are the chances that it might actually happen in the next 50 years? You might be called upon to help fight the evil doers. Are you gonna be ready?
What about youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?????
Dr.Clawmonkey, at 21:33
Corporal Jingo reporting for duty sir!!!
Jingo, at 13:47
I knew there was more to you than money!
Dr.Clawmonkey, at 19:33
Settle Down all you Little revoloutionaries. You guys play too much Halo. The US will not be "overthrown" or "overrun", they will simply be over-spent. America will collapse economically, and, thank god, not militarily. The US is so used to being THE golbal economic player that it has become sluggish. By sluggish I mean that it has spiralled into unsustainable debt, it's production capabilities are waning (GM...25,000 jobs...)And the average American lives with 40k of debt per person.The gap between poverty and wealth is ever widening.
The EU ( if it ever gets it's constitution ratified) will compete with them , so will China, India, and the Pacific Rim. South America is widly expected to reject the Free Trade of the America's and persue closer economic ties to Asia and the EU. America, no longer able to afford it's trickle down economics model will be forced to compete fairly ( as opposed to invading any country that has something it want's) and to persue better relations with it's economic equals. And the corperate giants will have to trim their bloated unsustainable profit margins and perform realistically( i.e. in accordance to their customers capabilities as opposed to their stockholders exptations).
Hmmm, seems i'm ranting.
OK, back to the whole MAD COW issue...Probably the ONLY thing I agree with the Conserv-alliance-reform party with is their plan to increase Canada's beef packaging industry to the point where we will compete with the Yanks. Remember those guys would get our live cattle and then they had an entire industry based on slaughter and packaging. So we cut out the middle man, build about ten more Cargill's, slaughter and package OUR BEEF ourselves and go after the American's foreign Markets.
schmunky, at 09:11
Yeah Schmunk you're right. In about 40 years or so Japan will own the US. The US will owe Japan more money than there entire GDP.
China is also up there with many other countries.
The EU will fold. The European countries are "sovereign" nations and if they become the EU and agree to the constitution. They lose all that. So I can see that spiralling out of control.
You agree with the Conservative party on more issues than just beef packing plants. But that's for another time.
Dr.Clawmonkey, at 17:25
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